2024 Pride Pictures
Pride parade photo credit: Nancy Schieffelin and others

by Leslie Talmadge, June 7, 2023
Imagine our town 25 years ago.
The First Church Belmont was not an open and affirming church. Gay marriage was illegal. Gay students at the high school were distraught. They felt they were the only gay teens in town. Of course, this was not the case, but visibility and awareness of gay and lesbian couples was minimal.
When the newly formed Belmont Gay Straight Alliance, comprised of Fran, Gladys, and other members of First Church, approached a gay student at the high school about participating on a panel at the high school, the parents were outraged. They forbid their child from speaking. What are you thinking, they angrily demanded. That could be dangerous.
So who would think that Belmont, 1958 birthplace of the conservative John Birch Society, would be the first town to march as a town at the Boston Pride March two decades ago? Or that residents of Belmont would be regularly visiting--and in the words of Donna Ruvolo, who was involved in these efforts-- “brow beating” elected officials into supporting the bill for marriage equality?
People like Fran (and Donna and Gladys), have been a major force in passing our state’s Marriage Equality law and supporting other LGBTQ+ initiatives both here in town, across the Commonwealth, and, by extension, our country.
As you know, Fran started the Belmont Gay Straight Alliance in 2001, when her son came out at Belmont High. For these past 22 years, she has tirelessly worked to make Belmont a more welcoming, inclusive community to all, and she has encouraged us to do the same.
We’re so very grateful to you, Fran, for your vision and dedication. You have tackled these important issues of equality and have been instrumental in making tangible changes in our community and in the lives of our children.
It sounds corny to compare Fran to Jimmy Stewart in It’s a Wonderful Life, but I have to wonder: What would our town be like if Fran hadn’t stepped up some twenty years ago?

Photos from a celebration at Trinktish to honor Fran's commitment to the Alliance as well as all of her other community service over the years. Dave Rogers (state rep) and Will Brownsberger presented her with a proclamation of gratitude by both legislative bodies in MA.