Belmont Wellness Coalition LBGTQ+ Resources
Resources related to raising LGBTQ+ youth
Lists of support groups for LGBTQ+ youth and support groups for their parents
Greater Boston Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
GBPFLAG Newton/Belmont Parent Group. Fourth Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8 PM. Mix of virtual and in person meetings. Open to all. Contact or
Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth (BAGLY)
Wednesdays:, 6PM-7PM Welcome Meeting
Fridays: 5PM-6PM: Trans/Nonbinary Meeting
For more information on our daily programs, visit
Monthly meetings: AAPI Meeting, Narrative Art Therapy, HEARRT Workshop, BIPOC Meeting, Girl's Room Glass Services to LGBTQ+ youth of color and their allies in the Greater Boston and Greater Framingham areas.
Keshet Events, groups, and resources for Jewish LGBTQIA+ teens and adults
Black & LGBTQ: Approaching Intersectional Conversations | The Trevor Project
Prism Support Group : a drop-in support group for LGBTQ+ identifying individuals followed for a cancer diagnosis at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Meets via Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:30-6:30 pm To register contact: or
LGBTQ+ Elders of Color Monthly “Flashback Cafes” and other social and networking opportunities
OUTstandingLIFE Virtual Senior Center in Massachusetts, free online programming
Out at Time Out Market Drop-in LGBTQIA+ social time at Time Out Market in Boston. Look for a table of LGBTQIA+ folks, possibly with a rainbow tablecloth or sign. Third Mondays, 6-9pm. Cosponsored by LexPride.
OUT MetroWest Programs for gender expansive young children, LGBTQ+ middle schoolers, LGBTQ+ high schoolers, trans high schoolers, and LGBTQ+ youth of color. Most are by Zoom.
Rainbow Lifelong Learning Institute Classes for LGBTQ+ seniors and friends, held by Zoom. Nominal fee
Respectability—LGBTQIA+ People with Disabilities Resources on the intersection of disability and LGBTQIA+ issues.
True Colors OUT Youth Theater Program Theater program for LGBTQIA+ people ages 12-25
Coming Out to Your Parents - Strong Family Alliance “we will help you with how to come out, responses depending on how people react, and resources for both you and your parents”. Free PDF Coming Out Guide
LGBTQ Healthcare Directory A free, searchable database helping people find friendly and affirming doctors, medical professionals and providers.
National LGBTIA+ Health Education Center Provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations to optimize quality, cost-effective health care for LGBTQIA+ people.
National Coalition for LGBT Health committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals through federal and local advocacy, education, and research
LGBT National Help Center - includes National Hotline, Youth Talkline, Senior Hotline & Coming Out Support Hotline
It Gets Better Project mission is to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth around the globe through stories and education
The Trevor Project and TrevorLifeline. Leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25
Right to Be We train hundreds of people to respond to, intervene in, and heal from harassment. We hold space for people experiencing harassment to share their stories for affirmation and support. And we prepare new leaders to create workplaces, schools, and communities around the world that are filled with humanity.
Family Acceptance Project research, intervention, education, & policy initiative to prevent health and mental health risks for LGBTQ children and youth
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force advances freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people by mobilizing activists to fight for queer issues
Human Rights Campaign national advocacy organization that envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law.
Lavender Literary Society American LGBTQ+ Museum Virtual Book Club - every month a new book and author talks. Great list of books to read and link to past club meetings.
them. Magazine Great articles written by LGBTQ+ authors
Boston Spirit Magazine published six times a year and delivered directly to your home—FREE of charge.
Wicked Queer | Boston's LGBTQ Film Festival since 1984 Annual film festival and archives from previous festivals. Fun to explore!
“Supporting Sexual Minority Youth (SMY)” a presentation by Belmont’s own Wendy Bamatter, PhD
McLean Hospital Series, including Mental health and LGBTQ Community
Belmont Library: RainbowLit: LBGTQ+ Book Group Meets every 4th Monday of the Month
and is sponsored by the Library and the Belmont LGBTQ+ Alliance.
Black and Brown in Belmont:
Beech Street Center Belmont’s Senior Center
Forum on How to Run for Office in Belmont:
With Select Board Chair Adam Dash and Town Clerk Ellen Cushman. Co-sponsors:Belmont Democratic Town Committee, Belmont Against Racism, Black and Brown of Belmont, Belmont Pan-Asian Coalition, Community Organized for Solidarity, and UU the Vote, Belmont
Arlington, MA Rainbow Commission
Arlington & Beyond LGBTQ+ Seniors & friends Meetings 2 PM on Tuesdays on Zoom (some in person|)
Queering Adulthood (group for queer people in their early 20s to mid 30s). Every Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm.
Contact to join group and receive Zoom link
Rainbow Artists -- If you would like to be on the email list to receive session/registration information, contact
Check out Lexington businesses who have signed the Open to All Pledge
Transgender Resources
Transgender Children & Youth: Understanding the Basics - Human Rights Campaign
Resources for Transgender Individuals … Find resources for Transgender Individuals at or outside of Massachusetts General Hospital.
guide to being a trans ally* (upload file)
National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. They provide education on the Transgender identity, legal and health information, and information on the issues.
Trans Student Educational Resources youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender non-conforming students through advocacy and empowerment
Fenway Health Groups for trans people, parents/caregivers, and non-transgender partners. In person & Zoom
Western Massachusetts Trans Resource Guide | The Stonewall Center
Trans Youth Matter Toolkit - Fenway Health: Health Care Is A Right, Not A Privilege. Fenway Health has created a communications toolkit with talking points, social media graphics, and letters to the editor for anyone doing advocacy around transgender/gender diverse youth. The toolkit is focused on health care.
Imara Jones TransLash Podcasts + social media, newsletter & more
Trans People Are Sacred! Art Campaign from SaveArtSpace.Org
Welcoming Schools bullying prevention program providing LGBTQ+ and gender inclusive professional development training, lesson plans, booklists and resources specifically designed for educators and youth-serving professionals
GLSEN GLSEN works to ensure that LGBTQ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment
GSA Network next-generation LGBTQ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.
Training Opportunities for Faculty/Staff/Students/Parents
DESE Safe Schools: panels for faculty/staff/students AND parents for free
Difference btw. Gender identity/gender expression/sexual orientation
Books Matter (TM) Children’s & Young Adult Literature about bias, bullying, diversity and social justice
The Gender Creative Child by Diane Ehrensaft, PhD (non-fiction)—A great explanation of gender identity.
She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan (non-fiction/memoir). very well-written and highly readable. (Finney Boylan teaches at Barnard and writes for the NYT).
Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity by Andrew Solomon (National Books Circle Critics Award)—About Transgender individuals, and individuals with such diagnoses as schizophrenia, autism, etc.
Gloriously Unready Counselor Josephine Hughes found herself “gloriously unready” when both her daughters came out as transgender, unbeknown to each other. Hughes is brutally honest and endlessly wise as she tells their story, outlining the moments that many parents face with so much love and support that she can’t fail to help others in the same situation.
Ask Lisa Podcast (Lisa Damour, Psychologist), Particularly the issue, How Do I support My LGBTQ Daughter
Medical and Counseling Resources
Sayftee: Offers family therapy, individual therapy, couple/relationship therapy, groups, workshops, training
The Trevor Project: 2023 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ Young People
Parent and Caregiver Resources for Parents w/ Kids Struggling w/ MH issues
Belmont Wellness Coalition committed cross-section of Belmont parents, youth, and school, town, and community representatives that works to promote healthy choices and positive decision-making in Belmont youth.
PPAL: Children's Mental Health Parent/Professional Advocacy League. Weekly support groups. e.g., VIRTUAL – Parents Raising LQBTQIA Children
NAMI Massachusetts | National Alliance On Mental Illness of Massachusetts Has resources for families, children, and teens
NAMI Basics is a 6 week course for caregivers:
Coalition of RacialEquity in Mental Health List of BIPOC therapists and workshop info in DEI, racial justice, check lists, and more:
reporting discrimination in Belmont