Belmont Welcomes

Belmont Welcomes is a program sponsored by the Belmont LBGTQ+ Alliance for town-wide community members, business and community partners to show that we welcome and support LBGTQ+ People, Families and Allies.

We believe that visibility and inclusivity are key to making our town a more welcoming place for all.

Please support the businesses and community groups who have become Business and Community Partners.

Look for the Belmont LGBTQ+ stickers at local businesses and institutions and their websites — to show that everyone is welcome.


  • Business Partners have agreed to treat all customers, employees and other community members equally, showing the same kindness and respect to LGBTQ+ people as non-LGBTQ+ people.


  • Community Partners are community groups who support the Belmont Welcomes initiative to make our town a welcoming town.

Check out our  RESOURCES page for national, regional and local organizations, support groups, transgender resources and much more!


Representation matters. Two recent studies have captured the challenges that LGBTQ+ youth face.

The Belmont Wellness Coalition study in 2023 of middle school and high school children found that…

  • Genderqueer youth report experiencing much higher feelings of self-harm (more than 3x), depression, anxiety, consideration of suicide (more than 3x), and actually making a suicide plan than their cis classmates (more than 3x).

  • Genderqueer youth also experience higher rates of bullying on campus and online.

  • A reported takeaway from the study is that “Genderqueer, black and multiracial students have higher rates of mental health issues, substance use, and experiences of bullying across both middle and high school”

A joint study by the Human Rights Campaign and UConn of more than 12,000 LGBTQ+ youth found that…

  • 77% of LGBTQ+ teenagers surveyed report feeling depressed or down over the past week;

  • 95% of LGBTQ+ youth report trouble sleeping at night;

  • More than 70% report feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness in the past week;

  • Only 26% say they always feel safe in their school classrooms -- and just 5% say all of their teachers and school staff are supportive of LGBTQ+ people;

  • 77% report that they’ve heard family members make negative comments about LGBTQ+ people.

Growing up is hard. Growing up LGBTQ+ is even harder.

Belmont Welcomes can make it better.

Our town is filled with thoughtful, caring adults who can send simple signals that these young people and adults are welcome here… and you can help by putting a sticker in your business window.