How You Can become a BUSINESS OR Community pARTNER
Being an inclusive and welcoming business/organization to the LGBTQ+ community means you and your staff believe and act in ways that show LGBTQ+ customers deserve the same kindness, respect, and treatment non-LGBTQ+ customers get. An inclusive environment means that you and your staff are welcoming to LGBTQ+ people and expect customers/clients that bring a diversity of gender expression, partners, and diverse family groups into your business or organization.
This can be quite easy to be a Business Partner. Some basic steps include:
Treat all customers, employees and other community members equally, showing the same kindness and respect to LGBTQ+ people as non-LGBTQ+ people, without discrimination.
Display your Belmont Welcomes Sticker in a prominent spot at your business and/or on your website.
Click here for a printable handout describing this program.
Learn more about a similar program in Ithaca, NY. And the National Open to All Program