27th Annual Lesbians & Friends LGBTQIA+ Dance

Oct 26. 6-9:30 PM

Sponsor Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition

Get ready for an unforgettable night at the 27th Annual Lesbians & Friends LGBTQIA+ Dance! Hosted at the fabulous Club Café, Boston’s top venue, the Dance promises a memorable evening filled with high-energy music by guest DJ Christina from San Francisco, delightful hors d’oeuvres, and a vibrant dance lesson by Liz Nania, founder and director of OUT to Dance.

This is not your typical benefit—it’s a lively celebration where you can dance the night away and create lasting memories in support of prevention.

In 1991, a group of lesbians founded MBCC with a unique goal of focusing on the preventable causes of breast cancer. Since then, MBCC has been instrumental in numerous advances locally and nationally, beginning with efforts in 1991 which led Massachusetts to become the first state in the nation to officially recognize breast cancer as an epidemic.

Funds raised from the Dance help to support and expand our community education program Let’s Talk Prevention: Reducing Toxic ExposuresMBCC Webinar Series, and the student environmental health program, Let’s Talk Prevention: Actions You Can Take.

All are welcome. Please see registration form


Rainbow Lit:LGBTQ+ Book Group


Gen Silent Viewing w/Cary Memorial Library, lexington