Out + Proud Around the World and Through the Centuries
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Meed LGBTQ+ people who have stood up and stood out proudly throughout history.
Learn about the lives and achievements of pioneers who defied social conventions and expressed their own sexualities and/or genders, often at great personal cost.
the ancient Roman poet Catullus, who publicly made fun of Roman strictures against same-gender love.
Magnus Hirschfeld, who founded the first LGBTQ organization in 1897 when the concept of “having a sexuality” was a new, novel idea. His institute flourished until 1933 when it was sacked by Nazi youth, leading to his eventual exile.
Greta Garbo, a bisexual lesbian-leaning icon who subverted the sexuality and femininity expectations of her time in life and in film.
today’s third-gender youth in India, who are seeking a dignified way to live out their identities in a society that despises them—forgetting its own ancient traditions.
the celebratory life of Oscar Wilde, the flamboyant, witty author whose eccentric lifestyle put him at odds with Victorian England.