Supporting transgender and gender-nonconforming youth

Sashbear’s Expert Education Series is a series of free, online, monthly presentations with international experts speaking on topics related to emotion dysregulation and family skills.

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023  |  7pm ET

Dr. Wendy Bamatter

With the increased visibility of transgender and non-binary youth, many caregivers, loved ones, and others in supportive roles are seeking information to help them offer more effective supports. Notably, transgender and non-binary youth are at significantly increased risk for struggling with mental health challenges and engaging in suicide behaviors, in large part due to the role that invalidation and discrimination play in our society. In this presentation, attendees will receive important psychoeducation about gender identity and gender diversity. Further, we will discuss concrete steps that loved ones and other supportive adults can take to provide affirming environments for this group of individuals and to help foster resilience and positive mental health outcomes. Principles and interventions from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) will be weaved in throughout the presentation.

free registration:


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